Will you join us for the 2024 QP Sampler Sew-Along?


Hi there friends!

I've got some fun updates today about the 2024 Sampler Sew-Along, a chat with one of our 2024 brand ambassadors and an update from the studio.

I hope everyone had a magical holiday season!

It feels like the last month has just flown by to me. My little family and I had a whirlwind of a December when we moved into our new house right after Thanksgiving, got enough boxes unpacked to survive from day to day as well as decorate the tree, and a little breather before hosting a lovely extended family dinner on Christmas Eve. All in all, it was a special time. I hope you all made time to enjoy those you love.

Will you sew along with us in 2024?

Can you believe it's already 2024? I barely can, but I will tell you I am beyond excited to finally start sewing up my own version of A Quilter's Compass, the lovely sew-along pattern featured in this year's Quilter's Planner. If you decide to join in, you can find all of the details you need in the Patterns section of your Quilter's Planner, including the instructions to make January's block, Center Compass.

I've added a page about the sew-along to our website, ForCreatives.pub, with more details about how the sew-along contest works and how to enter a photo of your block each month for a chance to win one of our awesome prizes.

Have you started planning your version of the sampler? At the end of the quilt top assembly spread (for December) in the Patterns section of your planner, we included a project planning spread made specifically for this sampler pattern. Use it to plan out your fabric and color choices, layout or block changes, or any other customizations you want to make to your version. Please share your planning page with us on social media, and tag @thequiltersplanner so we can see what you're working on!

Do you still need fabric for your quilt? Our friend Angela over at Sewfinity is stocking kits again this year! And I will say, the kits look mighty nice stacked up on her shelves. I spied them at a recent guild meeting held at her shop, and I was so proud to see the kits ready to head out to your craft spaces. Such creative potential awaits!

A quilty chat with Sarah Ashford

This last Thursday, Sarah Ashford, our January Brand Ambassador representing the QP Team, joined me for a fun chat about the Center Compass block! We also talked about how we got into sewing and quilting, our favorite pages and features of the 2024 planner, and what we are looking forward to making in 2024. You can catch the first episode of our year-long monthly video series on the Quilter's Planner YouTube channel.

Big changes at the studio!

Not only did I get to move houses this last month, but I had the chance to move into a bigger studio space at the art center building I rent space to run this endeavor. And wow! What an upgrade!

I don't know how I ever survived in the smaller space across the hall. But my team and I are so grateful to have more space to produce the accessories and ship out your orders each day. (When I've got the rest of my quilts and art hung, I'll share more photos with y'all!)

Part of the need for more space also came from a big negative that's turned into a huge positive for me and this business. The method I was using to produce the laminated cover and divider accessories failed to cut the plastic properly about a week after we launched the Quilter's Planner. This issue took precious time from our busy shipping season to resolve, putting us behind in fulfilling those products. I exhausted many avenues trying to find the best solution, and was blessed to find a fellow local female artist and business owner who had the perfect solution.

I am happy to share that she partnered with me in the training and use of her GlowForge cutter. This laser cutting method is astoundingly more fast and efficient, making it possible for my team and I to catch up on the accessory orders we have been behind on. I'm also super inspired with new ideas for products I can create using this technology.

So, if you are still waiting for your accessory order with covers or dividers, I want to assure you that it is still coming! We are so thankful for your patience as we utilize this new tool and procedure to make more durable planner products that will last you for years to come.

If you have any questions about our planners, accessories, the sew-along, or your order, please email me at hello@forcreatives.pub.

Stay tuned for an update next week on January's sew-along prize, a new accessory coming to the shop, and what I'm planning for my version of the 2024 sampler.

Happy quilting!

Lindsie Bergevin

Owner and Designer of The Quilters Planner
For Creatives Publishing LLC

204 Flume S, Boise, ID 83712
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